Wednesday, 24 November 2010

HIV prevention is possible if we can defeat Stigma, will we? Take a HIV test now!

In our world estimation and from the UN Aids programme own admission yesterday, we have deep believe at the African Institute AISD that it is possible to reverse HIV spread in Africans and the world if stigma is seriously combated.

The number of new HIV infections and deaths from AIDS are falling globally, according to new statistics from the UN's programme on HIV/AIDS.

Michel Sidibe, photo above, says the statistics show the spread of HIV has halted in some places. And Mr Juma from African Institute invite Africans in the UK to come out and take up a HIV test.

There are now signs the epidemic is declining, it says, however, stigma and discrimination continue to cause problems for the estimated 33m people living with HIV.

Last year there were 2.6m new HIV infections.

This is down almost 20% since the peak of the Aids epidemic in 1999.

In 2009, 1.8m died from Aids-related illnesses, down from 2.1m in 2004.

Mixed progress

The report says rates of treatment using anti-retroviral drugs have risen from 700,000 in 2004 to over 5m people in 2009.

Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be the region most affected by the epidemic, with around 70% of all new HIV infections occurring here.

But infection rates are falling, particularly in South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Ethiopia.

There is a mixed picture in other parts of the world.

Eastern Europe and central Asia show sharp rises in new infections and Aids-related deaths.

And the UN says bad laws and discrimination, particularly in respect to drug users and homosexuals, continue to hamper the fight against Aids.

"We are breaking the trajectory of the Aids epidemic with bold actions and smart choices," said Mr Michel Sidibe, executive director of UN-AIDS.

"Investments in the Aids response are paying off, but gains are fragile - the challenge now is how we can all work to accelerate progress."

'We can speed up our response if promise are not broken and our community address some of media negative myths around HIV' end of article by AISD