African Institute takes a closer look at the importance of talking about the impact of HIV Stigma in the black Africans in the UK. We investigate specialist opinion and GP opinion. We also promote the National HIV Testing Week so that you can get the dates saved.
The specialist opinion
Dr Iain Reeves, consultant physician in genitourinary medicine, Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London
Undiagnosed HIV remains an important problem in the UK. Those who are unaware of their infection cannot access life-prolonging treatment and face a much greater risk of mortality and morbidity because of late diagnosis.
In 2012, about two-thirds of black African adults were diagnosed with a CD4 count is less than 350 , where treatment is recommended, compared with 47% overall.
In its recent report, HIV and Black African Communities in the UK, the National AIDS Trust has called for urgent action to address this health inequality.
HIV-positive people who do not know their status may also be more likely to transmit the virus to others, because they are unable to use this knowledge to modify risk behaviour and importantly, cannot take advantage of the now clearly demonstrated, very significant reduction in the risk of transmission with successful treatment.2
This may be particularly relevant for GPs, who might also be looking after members of the patient's family, or children born in countries where antenatal testing is not routine.
HIV testing
HIV testing broadly falls into two strategies: diagnosing someone with symptoms as part of a set of investigations, and diagnosing asymptomatic individuals in a more routine testing approach.
The 'Time to Test' report summarised the findings of a number of studies investigating routine, opt-out HIV testing conducted outside traditional sexual health settings.3
The main finding from these studies was that routine HIV testing was generally very acceptable to most patients across all settings, including primary care.
The RHIVA2 study, conducted in primary care in inner London, also demonstrated the feasibility of routine, near-patient HIV testing as part of a new patient check when people register with a general practice.4
Concerns about the feasibility and acceptability of routine testing are more often voiced by healthcare staff, often focusing on lack of resources, training and fear of giving a positive result. Some of these fears are based on misconceptions about pretest counselling.
A simple pretest discussion, where a patient is made aware that an HIV test is being carried out as part of routine practice, with an opportunity to withdraw consent, is all that is required.
This approach also removes the risk of patients feeling they are being targeted because of their ethnicity or other characteristics.
Including an HIV test as part of a set of investigations for a particular presenting problem is easily done, especially when blood tests are already planned.
However, it does require thinking about the condition and making an HIV test part of the usual order set, when clinicians may not have it at the forefront of their minds.
For example, acute HIV infection presents as a viral illness and GPs are likely to see many of these individuals. In a study in south London, a significant proportion of those investigated for infectious mononucleosis in fact had acute HIV infection.5
A list of illnesses and other conditions where HIV may be part of the differential or important to exclude can be found in the UK national HIV testing guidelines.6
The use of audit, or case review, to investigate missed opportunities to test for HIV, for example when someone is diagnosed with an opportunistic infection as an inpatient, may also be a helpful tool for reflection and changing practice.7
GPs should be clear about support and treatment services available to newly diagnosed patients.
Support around testing should be readily available from local GUM/sexual health services and there must be pathways for rapid access to HIV care. The support that can be provided by voluntary sector agencies is also invaluable.
How to make HIV testing more acceptable |
The GP opinion
Dr Richard Ma, GP with an interest in sexual health, London
GPs often consider gay men or men who have sex with men (MSM) as a key risk group in the context of HIV testing. Despite being a risk group, current evidence suggests there may be unmet needs when it comes to HIV testing for black Africans.
According to 2012 data from the Health Protection Agency (now Public Health England), almost 31,800 black African men and women were living with HIV in the UK.
This represents an overall prevalence of 26 per 1,000 for African-born men and 51 per 1,000 for African-born women. Of the 1,522 black Africans who were newly diagnosed with HIV in 2012, 66% of men and 61% of women were diagnosed at a late stage of infection.1
Newly diagnosed black Africans reported that in the 12 months preceding their diagnosis, 76% had presented to healthcare services and 15% to inpatient services.8
An audit conducted by the British HIV Association found there had been missed opportunities for earlier HIV diagnosis in a quarter of newly diagnosed individuals.9
The role of early diagnosis
Earlier diagnosis of HIV can save lives because antiretroviral treatment can rapidly suppress HIV disease, resulting in reduced infectiousness as well as near-normal life expectancy.
This is why NICE has recommended expanded HIV testing for MSM and black Africans.10
According to the NICE costing template, a shift of 1% of patients being diagnosed at an earlier stage could produce savings of about £0.22m a year for MSM and £0.27m a year for black Africans in England.
There appears to be plenty of opportunities for more HIV testing to be carried out in general practice.
For example, there is evidence to suggest that black Africans attend general practice, especially those who have had undiagnosed HIV.11
Opt-out testing for HIV was also broadly acceptable to a sample of patients in one study which included MSM and black Africans.12
We understand that special issues, such as stigma about HIV in black African communities, may deter people from having HIV tests. Black Africans are also less likely to find support in their own communities.
MSM and black Africans mention a perceived lack of confidentiality as one of the main barriers to test for HIV in general practice settings.
Some clinicians may find it difficult to offer HIV testing opportunistically to black Africans for fear of perceived racial stereotyping. There may also be perceived difficulties for those who test positive, for example, lack of support, problems within the community, immigration problems and entitlement to HIV care.
1. Public Health England. HIV in the United Kingdom: 2013 Report. London, PHE, November 2013.
2. Cohen M, Chen Q, McCauley M et al. Prevention of HIV-1 infection with early antiretroviral therapy. N Engl J Med 2011; 365: 493-505.
3. Health Protection Agency. Time to test for HIV: Expanding HIV testing in healthcare and community services in England. London, HPA, September 2011.
4. Leber W, McMullen H, Marlin N et al. Point-of-care HIV testing in primary care and early detection of HIV (RHIVA2): a cluster randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2013; 382: S7 (conference abstract).
5. Hsu D, Ruf M, O'Shea S et al. Diagnosing HIV infection in patients presenting with glandular fever-like illness in primary care: are we missing primary HIV infection? HIV Medicine 2013; 14: 60-3.
6. British HIV Association, British Association of Sexual Health and HIV, British Infection Society. UK National Guidelines for HIV Testing 2008.
7. Whittle A, Wellesley R, Griffiths C et al. Increasing opportunities for HIV diagnosis in primary care: a borough-wide evaluation of HIV testing and pre-diagnosis care in general practice. British HIV Association Spring Conference April 2013. Oral abstract O2.
8. Burns FM, Johnson AM, Nazroo J et al. Missed opportunities for earlier HIV diagnosis within primary and secondary healthcare settings in the UK. AIDS 2008; 22(1): 115-22.
9. Ellis S, Curtis H, Ong EL. HIV diagnoses and missed opportunities. Results of the British HIV Association (BHIVA) National Audit 2010. Clin Med 2012; 12(5): 430-4.
10. NICE. Increasing the uptake of HIV testing among black Africans in England. PH33. London, NICE, March 2011.
11. Rice B, Delpech V, Sadler KE et al. HIV testing in black Africans living in England. Epidemiol Infect 2013; 141(8): 1741-8 doi: 10.1017/S095026881200221X
12. Glew S, Pollard A, Hughes L. Public attitudes towards opt-out testing for HIV in primary care: a qualitative study. Br J Gen Pract 2014; doi: 10.3399/bjgp14X677103
- The African Institute refers to the National AIDS Trust recent report. click on the link HIV and Black African Communities in the UK. June 2014: a policy report. London, National Aids Trust, June 2014. for more information call or text on 07572604343 or contact us on the website:

My name is cambell Spivey i will like us to share tips on how to identify a real spell caster cos alot of people have fallen victim of scam as i have come across lots of comments lately (i was a victim too) and from experience and what i know i decide to open this thread, only fake spell casters ask for the followings: COURIER CHARGES: no matter where you are in the world, no matter the distance and continent a real spell caster will cast a spell effectively without you seeing it or the spell caster getting it to you to use it so long as he has the names or pix..the spell will work itself.. STRAIGHT: no excuses for failure, if money was needed in the first place for courier he should have say so, so one can know how prepared he is..i did rather pay $2000 at once to get my result rather than paying $200 for excuses to get more money..its not bad paying for items but the end result might be an excuse THREAT: if you get fed up of sending money after money, they begin to threaten one with death and madness.. NIGERIA; about 80% of them are Nigerians not saying they dont have real spell casters cos they are spiritually gifted in Africa but the impersonation is too much, the fake are more than the real.. i fell a victim of scam twice to a certain dr wodu and dr isaka they both ripped me to shred before i realized almost $3700 was gone until i came across Dr Oza who told me how to know a fake spell caster, he helped me CURE my HIV infection without failure or excuse in 5 days.. Am Cured and happy now for about a month..
ReplyDeletehis e-mail is lets beware of scammers and share experience, suggestion and solutions..thanks...
My name is Jennifer Alexander From USA texas, Dr OJUGO is the only Dr who
Deletecould ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried
almost everything but i couldn’t find any solution on my disease,
despite all these happening to me, i always spend a lot to buy HIV drugs
from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve,until
one day i was just browsing on the internet when I come across a great
post of !Nicole! who truly said that she was been diagnose with
HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great
powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people
called him Dr OJUGO, i never knew it was all because of the great and
perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i
quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a
thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is always
getting his or her healing in just three weeks after doing all he ask
you,so I was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so I did all
things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed,
all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very
strong and healthy, this disease almost take my life,so i want to
hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am
HIV negative,I am every amazed and happy about the healing Dr OJUGO
gave to me from the help of his ancient herbs . you can contact Dr
OJUGO at his email and process your own healing too at:
( his phone number +2349055637445 thanks
HELLO MY PEOPLE,i am very happy to Thanks the Dr.Alaho for curing my HIV positive to Negative, i do not have much to say but with all my life i will for ever be grateful to him and God Almighty for using Dr.Alaho to reach me when i thought it is all over, today am happy with my two kids and my husband after the medical doctor have confirmed my HIV status Negative,i have never in my life believed that HIV could be cure by any herbal medicine. so i want to use this means to reach other persons who have this disease by testifying the wonderful herbs and power of Dr.Alaho all is not yet, try and contact him by any means with his email: ( or ( or you can visit his website: we call +2348146226679 ,+2349056803606 thanks you,;;;;;;;[
ReplyDeleteGood day everyone my name is Evelyn Grace from U.S.A, I have this great opportunity to share this testimony about how I get cure for my HIV,Two years ago I was HIV positive so I was suffering from it I was doing one thing or the order to get a cure there was know way for it so I was on my research on the internet I saw a testimony of a young man, about how DR.Eku help him get a cured for HIV with his herbal medicine I was surprise and I do not believe I said okay let me try him I contact him that night on his email and he gave me instructions and I follow it he told me what to do and I did it, after a week he sent to me the medicine true DHL he told me how to use it and I did exactly how he instructed me to use it, after two weeks he told me that I should go for test, indeed I did it, and behold I was HIV "negative" am so grateful Doctor, now am happy with my Husband and two kids I want to use this opportunity to say this, please if you have this kind of disease called HIV, I want you to contact him on is email;DREKUSPELLCASTER@GMAIL.COM OR +2348158836984 and my email: and he can also help you get a cure for HPV, HERPES, CANCER,disease and he can cure you from any kind of diseases with his herbal medicine. all you have to do is to believe him. thank you my Dr may god bless you......
1. Getting your lover or husband back
2. Spiritual bulletproof
3. Prosperity spell
4. Protection spell
5. Get a job spell
6. Becoming a manager spell
7. Get a huge loan without paying any fee spell
8. Child spell
9. Love spell
10, vanishing spell
11. Success or pass spell
12. Marriage spell
13. Avenging spell
14. Popularity spell
15. Killing spell....
I am so so happy today, I have been suffering from HIV for the past 3years now,i have spent a lot getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy i have tried all. means in life to become HIV negative but there was no answer until i decided to try herbal solution and i found Great dr bello on an online research, i took a lot of Faith in him because I was so in need of anything that can cure my HIV and make it negative, so i contacted him and after his powerful intervention I’m so glad that i am now HIV.Negative, i am very very happy thank you. Great dr bello for helping cure my HIV negatives and restoring me back to my normal life again and how you help me to come back newly again without any form of. crisis i promise to tell your name and your cure, also your good. deeds to the whole world. Kindly contact him for cure regarding on HIV, Herpes, Cancer and other disease. Email call or whtsApp him +23408147271779.
ReplyDeleteGreetings to you all, i am here today on this forum giving a life testimony on how Dr Alade has cured me from HIV Virus, i have been stocked in bondage with this virus for almost 1years now, i have tried different means to get this sickness out of my body i also heard there was no cure to the virus, all the possible ways i tried did not work out for me, i do have the faith that i was going to be cured one day, as i was a strong believer in God and also in miracles, One day as i was on the internet i came across some amazing testimonies concerning how Dr Alade has cured different people from various sickness with his Herbal Herbs Medicine, they all advised we contact Dr Alade for any problem, with that i had the courage and i contacted Dr Alade i told him about my Sickness, He told me not to worry that he was going to prepare some Herbal Medicine for me, after some time in communication with Dr Alade, he finally prepared for me some herbs which he sent to me and he also gave me prescriptions on how to take them, My good friends after taking Dr Alade Herbs for some weeks i started to experience changes in me and from there, I noticed my Herpes Virus was no longer in my body, as i have also gone for test, Today i am fit and healthy to live life again, I am so happy for the good work of Dr Alade in my life, Friends if you are having any time of disease problem kindly email Dr Alade on {}, He also help me and wipe away my tears. So viewers of this wonderful testimony who wants to contact him
So brothers and sisters i have tested this man DR.Alade and i have found that he is real and genuine. i am now the happiest woman on earth today, Contact his via email id and be joyful in your life. also contact him on +9078275990, More gratitude and thanks to you again the great DOCTOR Alade .
THIS MIGHT SOUND UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE!!!!!!!!! For more than 4 years now i have been suffering from HIV Infection,until the day God sent one of my friend who directed me to Dr Molemen, i contacted Dr Molemen via email, I told him about my health status and also the pains i was going through with the rashes over my body, after been in contact with Dr Molemen i also requested for his healing medicine, he told me not to worry that he was going to prepare some herbal medicine for me which i was to drink for some days, he gave me directions on how to get his medicine after all the process i received the Some Herbal Medicine from Dr Molemen which he sent to me here in my country, i used them daily as i was directed and now i have regain my health the rashes that was in my body are all gone.
ReplyDeleteIt`s been 7 months now after taking Dr Molemen medicine and i have not had any symptoms of HIV infection, i truly believe in his medicine as it has worked for me and i will advice everyone to request for his herbal medicine to treat and cure any disease infection.
You can contact him on ( / or call him on +2347036013351).
I’m 22, few week ago I felt some pains and I went to the hospital my doc told me I had hpv about 1 yr and I need to start the treatment early, he gave me some medicine to be taking and I told him no I’ll not, because I hated taking medicine when I won’t not see cure for the purpose. After I got home I started getting worried searching for strong advice and I found valid natural treatment online lot people says they got hpv cure from Dr onokun and I email Dr @ 3 days passed, I purchase his cure online some weeks after the process taking his treatment i got cured. I went for checkup twice after taking the natural treatment from the herbalist called Dr onokun and i tested negative.